Beyond the Five Senses: A Mindful Exploration of Physical Awareness
Beyond the Five Senses: A Mindful Exploration of Physical Awareness

The Beautiful Not Yet: Sustainable Hope
This weekend retreat led by singer songwriter, Carrie Newcomer, will explore maintaining hope and our ability to envision during times of individual and community challenge.

Mindfulness on the Mountain Weekend Retreat
Silent retreat offers a time to rest in the space of the heart

Body and Soul: Writing Your Way Home - Women’s Writing Retreat
A writing retreat for women
Centering Prayer as 11th Step Practice Weekend Retreat
Centering Prayer as 11th Step Practice

Mindfulness on the Mountain Weekend Retreat
Silent retreat offers a time to rest in the space of the heart.
Centering Prayer and Guard of the Heart Weekend Retreat
This retreat will combine elements of a Centering Prayer Retreat with both instruction and practice in Guard of the Heart practices.

Mindfulness on the Mountain
Come join us for a weekend of Mindfulness on the Mountain. There will be both guided and silent meditations, movement meditation, as well as sound experiences led by by Gordon Peerman and his team, Ryan Black and Kenneth Robinson.

Being a Healing Presence
Come to deeper awareness and appreciation of the nature and power of therapeutic presence…

October Outreach Online Series
Join us each Wednesday at noon during the month of October for a FREE online program. Each week St. Mary’s Sewanee will offer a program highlighting a different spiritual practice. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link and login information.

The Spirituality of Japanese Gardens
I see the Japanese garden not as an object, but as a spirit, a matter of heart…
~ Sadafumi Uchiyama

Intimate with Life: Awakening with Breath, Body, Heart and Mind
This retreat will include sitting and walking meditation, instruction, dharma talks and discussion periods. It is suitable for all levels of experience.

Centering Prayer Retreat and Introductory Workshop
This retreat is an opportunity for practitioners of Centering Prayer to deepen their contemplative journey in the contemporary world. It is a weekend experience of integrating contemplation and action through silence, solitude, and community.

Sound Healing Workshop with Anneli Virkhaus
Close your eyes, breathe in deeply, and take in the healing sounds that are all around you every day. In this workshop, you will find that “sound healing” is accessible and available in the moment that you are in - we just need to stop and notice.

Tending Our Souls: A Writing Retreat for Women
Please join us on the Bluff for a weekend of creativity, contemplation, and community. From writing our hearts out to walking the labyrinth, practicing Centering Prayer to sharing our stories, we’ll experience rest, renewal, and reconnection.

Five-Day Centering Prayer Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for practitioners of Centering Prayer to deepen their contemplative journey in the contemporary world. It is a five day experience of integrating contemplation and action through silence, solitude, and community.

Mindfulness on the Mountain Onsite Weekend Retreat
Come join us for a weekend of Mindfulness on the Mountain. This will be a Silent Retreat. There will be both guided and silent meditations, with morning, afternoon and evening teaching by Gordon Peerman. Ryan Black of Nashville Tai Chi and Wellness will lead the mindful movement of Qigong, integrated throughout the retreat. Kenneth Robinson will lead us in the devotional chanting of Kirtan. Meals will be silent (except for the opening Friday dinner). Both beginners and those with experience in mindfulness practice are most welcome.

Beyond the Five Senses: A Mindful Exploration of Physical Awareness
Our capacity for sensory exploration goes far beyond the classic five senses. This weekend retreat will explore a deep connection to your physical body through enhanced awareness that turns your sensing capacity inwards.

A Spirituality of Hope: Listening to Four Quartets
Where are the wellsprings of hope for you? For us together? Such questions haunted T.S. Eliot as Europe hurtled into the darkness of World War II. They continue to face us in our lives and in our time. Eliot’s response was writing Four Quartets, his last and finest poems, which take us on a spiritual journey through the dark chaos of experience to a vision of unconquerable hope.

Eight-Day Centering Prayer Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for practitioners of Centering Prayer to deepen their contemplative journey in the contemporary world. It is a week-long experience of integrating contemplation and action through silence, solitude, and community.

Advent Centering Prayer Onsite Weekend Retreat
This weekend retreat will focus on how Centering Prayer can heighten one’s understanding and appreciation for the season of Advent.

Mindfulness on the Mountain Onsite Weekend Retreat
Silent retreat offers a time to rest in the space of the heart. Sitting meditation alternating with walking meditation form the basic structure of this retreat in the Insight Meditation tradition. These practices calm the body and mind and open the heart to the truth of the present moment, just as it is. Guidance in these practices along with evening teaching talks will be offered as we deepen our practice in the shared silence. Participants will be holding silence with opportunities for questions and reflections. This retreat is open to beginners as well as more experienced practitioners.
The Grace in Dying and Centering Prayer
Join us for a one day workshop led by The Rev Tom Ward exploring the “Grace in Dying” and its relation to the Centering Prayer practice. Lunch is included.

Labyrinths and Lenses: Mindful Walking and Contemplative Photography
The labyrinth and photography are tools that can be used in a spiritual practice to combine image-receiving with the contemplative nature and open-heartedness of mindful walking. In both cases, the labyrinth and the camera can be used to help guide us to receive that which we pass by or take for granted along our daily way.